This residential street in the upper Hadar area, off of Balfour Street, is located just a short climb up the hill from the Israel National Museum of Science. It seems like an unlikely spot for what over the last year or two has turned into an 'in' area of sorts.
Interspersed between the apartment buildings is an assortment of shops that include second hand
items, antiques, a claywork gallery and more.
Massada St. is also home to three small cafes that offer coffee and light fare. The cafes (whose signs are only in Hebrew), are located at # 18, 21 and 22 and are open from 9-11AM to 1-2 AM (hours seem to be somewhat flexible).
There is a Carmeilt (subway stop) across from # 38. A map of the street that lists the various shops is available for free at some of the shops (just ask).